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Showing posts from November, 2023

What Do Our Kids Need?

A school is not a school without students. We can have the greatest programs and curriculum, but without students there is no school. Students are the critical element within a school. Therefore students should be the focus of every element in a school. In a Christian school the focus on the student should only increase as our goal is to not just academic success but also to bring students into a relationship with Christ. I believe this focus requires a critical element, love. Love Although the focus of this blog is on the school setting, I learned something over 18 years ago on parenting from one of my pastors that is applicable to the school setting. He told us how to create an atmosphere in our home and how to correctly discipline our children. As he neared the end of his message I will never forget what he concluded with, "No matter how you discipline the most important thing for your children to know is that they are loved." He went on to tell us that you can "do...